Seagull Signals is an ongoing artproject (partly funded by the NNKS) developed around my observations of seagulls, and the local habits and stories around them. I am interested in the symbiotic relationship that we as humans have become engaged in, especially in harsh climates. And how climate change affects these relationships.
The project originates in the artwork called “Seagull Cases” (2015), where I placed handmade hatching boxes for seagulls around Tromsø island, following an old tradition that has begun disappearing. Through this artwork, I was reminded about the silent knowledge of the fishermen at home in Lofoten where I grew up. The knowledge to "read" the seagulls movements in the air to know what type of fish (or whale) there is to be found in the sea, is the main inspiration for this artprosject. By working in the field I hope the artproject will show me more ways of surviving in relation to other beings in our local habitat while working in North Norway and Sápmi.
The artprojcet will consist of several artworks inspired by the seagull relations in the north and a publication to be released and shown together with an installation at Mondo Books, Tromsø Kunstforening in the future. The publication will consist of drawings, instructions and interviews about people’s relationships to the seagulls and how to read their signals for fish and weather forecasts. For artworks derived from Seagull Signals look at my artworks Bird Islands and Lets protect the nature together.