Camilla R. Nicolaisen was born 1988 in Lofoten (NO) and is currently based in Tromsø and Paris. She has a studio space at Kysten - Troms Municipality Culture Centre in Tromsø . She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Ceramic from Bergen Academy of Art and Design, followed by a master’s degree in Contemporary Art at the Tromsø Art Academy. She is involved in curatorial work, art consultant work for public buildings as well as a board member in The Association of North Norwegian Artist (NNBK). 
Her artistic practice involves film, drawing, ceramic structures, sound art and installations with natural materials. Through various mediums, she explores the silent interconnectedness that exists unconsciously between beings on the earth. More generally, she sees her work, both as an artist and curator, as part of a global movement to challenge the dominant narratives linked to colonization, gender norms and consumerism. She wants to go beyond the underlying western concept of culture vs. nature, and other such dichotomies that create artificial separations, and enquires how habitual knowledge can keep existing in the present. 
The last few years, her main interests could be summed up as: forms of communication, herbal remedies usage and traditions connected to it, and relation to more than human beings. In short, the various symbiotic relationships with which our species is involved to ensure survival and how these bonds are changing–sometimes at unprecedented pace. Conceptually, the overarching theme of her art practice relates to alternative knowledge connected to ecology and habitats. From a phenomenological starting point, she therefore attempts to explore how local knowledge(s) of nature exist(s). 

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